If you thought men's sexual response is quite simple and their needs can be met easily, then you certainly need to revise your knowledge...

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If you thought men's sexual response is quite simple and their needs can be met easily, then you certainly need to revise your knowledge...
Why do people close their eyes when they kiss? Who invented this custom? When you don’t keep your eyes closed you’re violating a sacred pri...
Scientists have been trying to figure this out. Yau Che Ming, a professor at the National Education Institute in Singapore, has a few theori...
Getting first rank in the class is desired by many students. The truth is that there is no proper alternative to hard work and having a pla...
Couples who do similar jobs find it harder to maintain a proper work-life balance, a new study has found For the study, researchers looke...
Here's what researchers believe are a few things the could hopefully answer the perennial question: What women actually want? Read on....
Here's what researchers believe are a few things the could hopefully answer the perennial question: What women actually want? Read ...
Here's what researchers believe are a few things the could hopefully answer the perennial question: What women actually want? Read o...
Study found that office workers unwittingly spread bugs around on a daily basis Office desks put workers at risk of serious illness because ...
Wondering why women tend to prefer tall men? Here is the answer According to a University of Utah study, men hit harder when they stand o...
Are you nervous on how to propose to your girl? Well, don’t be. Here are some tips that can help you in knowing the best ways in which you c...
Infidelity is one of the most damaging things for a marriage. The bond of trust that is shattered in the relationship is often never mended...
What are the gender differences that play out when it comes to managing jealousy within a relationship, we ask the experts. Your parents a...
It's ironic that an ex-student is using anti-discrimination law to sue this LSE department. But he was only there for six weeks Gender s...
New research suggests that European women are two-and-a-half times more likely to suffer from depression than men, and twice as depressed as...
A new global research has shown that people have more sex in countries with higher gender equality. The study is part of a big-picture look ...
A study has found that though men are the first to say 'I love you', taking almost three months to profess their emotions, women gen...
A survey has found that one in five married couples do not kiss for an entire week. But if they do, it is usually a quick smooch lasting no ...